Beldi Refuge

Compassion on Paws

In November 2021 I travelled out to Beldi Refuge, a dog sanctuary located in the mountains outside Chefchaouen.

During my time there the local government started rounding up street dogs, many of which had been tagged, vaccinated and neutered, in order to kill them or dump them in the mountains.

The people at Beldi Refuge are doing such incredible work and already struggling so much financially I self-funded this documentary and made it for them free of charge.


When you have a story with content as sensitive and distressing as this, I find it important to make sure that the trailer has a perfect balance of excitement and sadness, without taking it too far or giving away too much of the story.



Here is the finished product.

I made this as a one-man army, shooting, editing, writing and narrating the entire project.

Due to the lack of a budget there were certain constraints which hampered the project such as not being able to record narration in a studio, but I told the story as best I could with what I had at my disposal.


The Skrunner

